Services from

bouquets weddings tributes events bespoke seasonal sweet bouquets


The perfect gift

Bouquets can be created for any occasion, from birthday’s and anniversary’s to a new baby, or simply just because! You don’t always need a reason to buy some beautiful flowers.


‘I Do’ Blooms

On one of the most important days of your life, you need the perfect flowers to compliment your day. With your ideas and style, you can leave it up to me to create them, allowing you to focus on all the other details of your special day.


To celebrate, to mourn, to love.. to remember

Losing a loved one is a sad and difficult experience and flowers play an important part in saying your final goodbyes. We can create a personal tribute and help liaise with undertakers to make the process seamless and stress-free.


Plan and decorate!

Flowers are the perfect addition to give your event that extra special touch. Be it on top of a special cake, arrangements at a dinner party or moon gate florals for a photo backdrop!


Unique and personal

Specialty tributes are handmade pieces to remember your loved one. They are customised to reflect their personality and sometimes humour, such as a favourite hobby, sports team, food or even animal.


All year round

Designs can be made to suit all year round. Whether that’s Christmas, Easter or Halloween the freshest seasonal stems will be chosen to tie into your theme.

Sweet Bouquets

Chocolate/ sweets more your thing?

My sweet bouquets and arrangements are something different from the ordinary and add a little personal touch! Be creative and contact me to make your ideas come to life!
